YU-GI-OH! DUEL LINKS : Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Unleashed #1
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YU-GI-OH! DUEL LINKS : Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Unleashed #1

US/Eastern | Jul 31, 2021 | 1 V 1

PDT: 10:00 / EDT: 13:00 / CEST: 19:00 / IST: 22:30

Participants - 104 / 256 | Registered 103


1st Place: $500 USD
🏆 Yousefx1

2nd Place: $300 USD
🥈 Negative1

3rd Place: $200 USD
🥉 Socram

4th Place: $200 USD
🏅 Yami Ewerton

5th Place: $100 USD
⭐ Zenith

6th Place: $100 USD
⭐ Chris

7th Place: $100 USD
⭐ Refreshh

8th Place: $100 USD
⭐ Dypsilon

9th Place: $50 USD
⭐ Wowerer

10th Place: $50 USD
⭐ LoreRomaCCG

11th Place: $50 USD
⭐ Jojo

12th Place: $50 USD
⭐ ??

13th Place: $50 USD
⭐ PuzzlingValk

14th Place: $50 USD
⭐ CamNeal

15th Place: $50 USD
⭐ Yasserhl

16th Place: $50 USD
⭐ ElectricSoldierPorygon



US/Eastern At: 01:00 pm
Jul 31, 2021
PDT: 10:00 / EDT: 13:00 / CEST:: 19:00
Platform: PC
$2,000 Prize Pool!
1st: $500
2nd: $300
3rd-4th: $200 each
5th-8th: $100 each
9th-16th: $50 each


$2,000 USD GGtoor x DLE Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Unleashed #1!

$10 entry fee:
After you pay here on GGtoor and receive your pre-paid code at checkout, enter that code to complete the registration process on the smash.gg platform:



FORMAT: Swiss Rounds, Top Cut (depends on number of players), Bo3, 1 Deck, 7 Card/Skill Side Deck

For all the rules, visit:


This event features a $2,000 prize and has a $10 entry fee. You will need to pay here on GGtoor to receive your pre-paid code at checkout, then enter that code on smash.gg to complete the registration process.